Land Use & Conservation Planning

Resource Dimensions has conducted dozens of land use projects for private, public, and non-profit sector clients across the United States, and in Canada, Mexico, Belize, Indonesia, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. This wide-ranging experience serves all clients better through the exchange of specific information and experiences between communities geographically removed, yet experiencing similar issues.  Our projects focus on the complex relationships at the natural resource-environment-land use interface, and a multitude of social and economic sustainability issues facing cities and regions across the nation as they work to plan for inevitable growth.  Beyond direct land conservation efforts, we have worked with organizations of all shapes and sizes on: strategic planning, development, and capacity building efforts; building strong public-private and multi-organization alliances, and mediating differences between diverse stakeholders.

Our experience with land trusts and government programs established to protect the unique land resources of their communities, counties, and states is rich and varied.  Several principals and associates began working with land trusts and the tapestry of land conservation tools in the early history of the land trust movement.  Between these land trust elders alone, we have more than two centuries of experience in serving land trusts, conservation organizations, and a variety of government agencies in every capacity.

From devising sound policies to customizing strategies, we bring a diverse and grounded approach that stems from our real world work, and our unique experience in “pushing the envelope” from the teaching and research environment. We understand the value of community “greenfrastructure” (e.g., parks, city gardens, trails and connective corridors, forests, and agricultural lands) and its vital role. Our ability to help find intersects and bring together human and natural systems through our work has made an enduring impact on the long-term sustainability of communities across the nation… and we hold close this responsibility.


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Resource Dimensions


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