- Phase II Tidal Power Economic Feasibility Analysis.
Tacoma Power
On the national and international frontline of renewable energy exploration is the Tacoma Power tidal energy project. With recognized expertise in energy economics and renewables, Resource Dimensions economists conducted the economic feasibility analysis and other preliminary assessments for a pilot and potential future commercial array for the Tacoma Narrows in Pierce County, Washington. Work carried out by Drs. Bergmann and Gustanski included the development of cost of energy models for pre-commercial and commercial production, rate estimates, REC market assessment, and the evaluation of economic contributions of such a project on the local and regional economy. Other tasks included working with the project team on a preliminary scoping meeting with area Tribes and various government agencies to discuss issues of interest across stakeholder groups. Phase II findings indicate that while there is sufficient power in the Tacoma Narrows for deployment of at least one site producing up to 20MWs, and a possibility of additional sites, tidal power generation is not economically or technically feasible at this time. The team, commended by Tacoma Power, include colleagues from the University of Washington, Meridian Environmental, and Coast and Harbor Engineering.
- Economic Impact Analysis & Feasibility of Proposed LNG Terminal at Bradwood Landing. Columbia River Inter‐Tribal Fish Commission and Columbia RiverKeeper, OR
This study consisted of a preliminary feasibility and economic impact assessment for the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) facility proposed at Bradwood Landing in Clatsop County, Oregon. Resource Dimensions assessed a range of community and economic impacts associated with industrialization of the river, such as commercial and recreational fishery impacts, public access and impacts on port communities of Astoria, Portland, and Vancouver, navigation on the river, real estate and tourism. Peer review was also conducted on reports prepared by the company, and testimony was presented to Clatsop County related to the proposed land use zoning change required to allow construction and operation of the terminal.