Phase II Tidal Power Economic Feasibility Analysis. Tacoma Power
Resource Dimensions conducted the economic and financial feasibility analysis and other preliminary assessments for a pilot and potential future commercial array for the Tacoma Narrows in Pierce County, Washington. Work included the development of cost of energy models for pre-commercial and commercial production, calculation of rate estimates, REC market assessment, and the evaluation of economic contributions of such a project on the local and regional economy. Other tasks included organizing a preliminary scoping meeting with area tribes and various government agencies to discuss issues of interest across stakeholder groups. Phase II findings indicate that while there is sufficient power in the Tacoma Narrows for deployment of at least one site producing up to 20MWs and a possibility of additional sites, tidal power generation is not economically or technically feasible at this time. The team, commended by Tacoma Power, included colleagues from the University of Washington, Meridian Environmental, and Coast and Harbor Engineering.
- Analysis of Agricultural Land Markets in Idaho.
Idaho Department of Lands
This study evaluated regional variability in leasing trends and conditions between 2005 and 2009 in the private agricultural land lease markets in 33 Idaho counties. This information will aid the Idaho Department of Lands and Idaho Land Board in making decisions on appropriate leasing policy, investment, methodology and rates that would provide the best return on state Endowment Trust Lands leased for agriculture.
The Resource Dimensions team assessed and reported on lease considerations for cash, crop share and flexible crop share leases from 318 individuals on 492 leases through telephone surveys and in-person interviews. Data was collected on the lands involved and their location, the nature of existing leases and leasing arrangement, crops produced, and other land uses involved on each lease. A multivariate analysis was conducted to evaluate how lease prices and crop share percentages varied with the terms and conditions of the lease, to explicitly recognize the qualitative nature of the data collection involved.
In addition, the use of GIS aided in the development of base maps that identified the general location, lease type and values for lease properties by region. Private agricultural lands across the counties included in the study were mapped using GIS and assessed using an integrated approach that included land values, soil and land capabilities, zoning data and urban growth projections to develop recommendations for potential future agricultural trust land acquisition in the study counties. Finally, the team assessed the profitability of owning or leasing agricultural land in Idaho.
- Economic Impact Analysis & Feasibility of Proposed LNG Terminal at Bradwood Landing.
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission and Columbia RiverKeeper, OR
This study consisted of a preliminary feasibility and economic impact assessment for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility proposed at Bradwood Landing in Clatsop County, Oregon. Resource Dimensions assessed a range of community and economic impacts associated with industrialization of the river, such as commercial and recreational fishery impacts, public access and impacts on the port communities of Astoria, Portland, and Vancouver, navigation on the river, real estate and tourism. Peer review was also conducted on reports prepared by the company, and testimony was presented to Clatsop County related to the proposed land use zoning change required to allow construction and operation of the terminal.
Potlatch Marina & Fuel Services Feasibility Study. Skokomish Indian Tribal Enterprises.
This recently completed study examined the economic and technical feasibility of fiscal realities associated with a proposed marina and fueling operation at the Skokomish Tribe's South Hood Canal Waterfront Resort at Potlatch, Washington. It included the assessment of site attributes, determination of siting requirements, and the development of concept plans and construction cost estimates. Resource Dimensions economists led the development of the study approach, research and various financial and economic analyses for this multi-phased feasibility study. Fundamental goals of the project included assurance that analyses and consideration of potential economic development opportunities maintained sensitivity to the environmental, cultural and historical characteristics of the property and region. Aspects of the study include assessment of local and regional support for the project, market demand, development of project pro formas and revenue
requirements, profit potential, job creation, regional economic impacts, the development of recommendations for suitable "Clean Marina" technologies, and product and/or service strategies. Layton/Sell carried out preliminary marina design and engineering elements.
SR 28 Eastside Corridor EIS - Economic Impacts.
Federal Highway Administration and Washington State DOT
This economic impact analysis included the preparation of a detailed impacted parcel analysis, development of an estimated 10-year cycle project budget and an economic impact input-output model to evaluate the local and regional economic impacts of the proposed $150-million dollar road improvement project in East Wenatchee, Washington. Related work involved data collection, development of the study approach and regional economic profile, conducting analyses and preparation of technical reports for the DEIS and FEIS , and supporting documentation related to local and regional economic effects. In association with David Evans & Associates.
Economic Analysis of Regional Recreation Trends-Lower and Middle Snake River.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District.
Resource Dimensions conducted the economic analysis of recreation trends and prepared the report relative for the Lower Snake River EA/EIS. The analysis separates potential river visitors into two groups: anglers and non-anglers or "general recreationists." The report describes existing river conditions, community profiles, addresses future and continuing increase in demand for reservoir-based recreation, and evaluates and measures future recreation behavior and economic implications, as well as the possible displacement of current reservoir recreationists.
- Public Attitudes and Willingness-to-Pay for Community-based Parks and Recreation Assets.
Peninsula Metropolitan Park District, WA
For this Pierce County, Washington park district, Resource Dimensions conducted an integrated analysis designed to aid the agency in understanding the range of values associated with community recreational needs and wants, and their willingness-to-pay (WTP) for parks and various recreation assets. To estimate the WTP and identify the optimal suite of new park and recreation assets that the public would likely to support, Resource Dimensions sought public and agency input using an iterative research process that included the use of interviews, focus groups and an online choice experiment survey. These tools were used to collect qualitative and quantitative information on issues central to this investigation. Findings from the study helped inform the agency about criteria that may be used to design an optimal bond package to fund potential park services and facilities projects, and to advise the agency on prevalent community views, perceived gaps in recreational resources, and issues of trust that may impact the success of any proposed bond initiative to support parks. Several recommendations came from this study; one being community outreach and education. As a result, the park district has initiated a comprehensive community-relations-building effort.