- Los Alamos National Laboratory Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Management Plan
The relative isolation and undisturbed natural setting of the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) makes it ideal for defense related missions. These factors combined, with limited public access, have resulted in the preservation of habitat that can sustain a number of federal and state protected species. Working for the University of California, Resource Dimensions led the team that created a science-based plan to protect these species and better comply with the Endangered Species Act while minimizing adverse impacts to the Department of Energy's mission and operations. This resulted in significant cost savings due to a significant reduction of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service consultations and expedited responsible future development and construction project approval. As part of the Habitat Management Plan, activities in certain areas of LANL are subject to annual, seasonal restrictions.
- Proposed Critical Habitat Designation for Cook Inlet Beluga whale: Economic Impact Analysis.
Resource Development Council for Alaska, Inc.
Resource Dimensions used two alternative scenarios to estimate the impacts of critical habitat designation (CHD) for the Cook Inlet Beluga whale on economic activity in Cook Inlet, Alaska. The analysis considered impacts on five key industries (oil and gas, mining, shipping, commercial fishing, and sport fishing). The change in economic output between the scenarios yielded an estimation of the economic impacts associated with CHD. Background economic data was solicited from the State of Alaska, private industry, municipalities, non-profit organizations and a cross-section of RDC members about likely costs to operations and services attributable to CHD. To capture the potential range of impacts, team members estimated the potential economic loss using a 1%, 5% or 10% loss in production. These monetized impacts did not include any economic impacts that may occur if projects are abandoned because of CHD restrictions.
- Prineville District Master Management Plan EIS - Economic and Social Analysis
Bureau of Land Management
Working with Environmental Science Associates , Resource Dimensions conducted social and economic impact assessments, and prepared relevant technical reports for the Upper Deschutes/Prineville District's Reservoir Management Plan revision. Seven proposed alternatives were analyzed for the EIS. Our work specifically related to natural resource use, amenity values, recreation, tourism and related trends. In conducting the economic impact analysis our team assessed the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of each Alternative on communities within the three-county region.
- SR 28 Eastside Corridor Project EIS - Social and Environmental Justice Assessments.
Federal Highway Administration, Washington DOT.
In addition to an economic impact analysis, Resource Dimensions assessed the social/community impacts and environmental justice components of the $150M+ transportation project over the expected 10-year construction cycle. This included developing and assessing community profiles for East Wenatchee and the larger Chelan-Douglas County region, conducting key informant interviews, community-based forums, and in-depth analyses of land and buildings, business/industry studies and an assessment of impacts and opportunities resulting from the project. Additional components included development of a supplemental plan to enhance public involvement and address needs/concerns of Title VI populations within the decision-making context, and plan implementation. In association with David Evans and Associates.
- Great Smoky Mountains National Park General Management Plan Revision EA.
National Park Service
Working together with TN & Associates and other project partners, Resource Dimensions conducted visitor use and values studies and developed the EA public involvement plan to evaluate GMP criteria and aid in preliminary alternatives scoping for the Elkmont Historic District. The plan sought to strategically engage stakeholders through various opportunities, including public presentations and workshops, surveys (web-based and mail), and interviews. Work on the project included historical records analysis, participation in public meetings, development of the interview content analysis coding structure, conducting content and issue analysis of public comments (verbal and written) mapping respondent concerns, conducting survey analysis, and preparation of technical reports relative to GMP revisions. Other contributions included recommendations on web site design and content relevant to the environmental assessment.
- Pennsylvania Conservation Easement Enabling Legislation
For more than a decade, Dr. Gustanski worked together with other Pennsylvania colleagues, lobbyists, and policy makers to help devise, develop and refine one of the most challenging pieces of state conservation easement legislation in the nation. During this time, she led the Legislative Committee of the Pennsylvania Land Trust Association (PaLTA) which she helped form in the early 1990s, serving as one of five founding members and its first vice-president. On June 21, 2001, Pennsylvanian Governor Tom Ridge approved Act 29, the Conservation and Preservation Easements Act, more than a decade after the first proposed conservation easement legislation was presented in the Commonwealth.